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BIADW 2016

Design Brief

Dongcheon (east-river東川) is one of main stream in Busan flows still into the North Port from the mountain stream, meandered through the downtown area from a long time ago. Many of Dongcheon streams in downtown area were covered with concrete for roads without the consideration of water-purity control during the urbanization and is faced with serious environmental problems like water contamination and bad-smelling in these days. Beside of the long-range plans of water purification, there is a need to restore the stream for re-introduction of nature to the city and to revitalize economy of downtown by recreation of creative industries for Youth Generation with re-opening of covered stream and preserving unique identity of the natural environment and the historic resources in the center of downtown with more eco-friendly urban designs. furthermore, we expect the area to became a center for new creative economic activities for youth.


Team :

Tutor: Luke Pearson / University Collage London, UK 

Yuanyuan Cao / Inner Mongolia University of Technology / China

Hong Deukyoung / Ulsan University / Korea

Sergio Elizondo / Texas Tech University / USA

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